Enjoy our treatments to help improve your health and well-being.
Bathing in a solution of sulphurous salt water. The effect of the bath on the body starts from the moment the skin comes into contact with the water through mild exfoliation of the epidermis and subsequent stimulation of renewal processes. This action is supported by the bactericidal and fungicidal properties of sulphide water.
Bathing in a step-up bathtub for the disabled in a solution of sulphurous salt water. The effect of the bath on the body starts from the moment the skin comes into contact with the water through mild exfoliation of the epidermis and subsequent stimulation of renewal processes. This action is supported by the bactericidal and fungicidal properties of sulphide water.
The chemical effect of carbonic acid baths is related to the penetration through the skin of carbon dioxide dissolved in the bath water. Recommended for arterial hypertension in the first and second stage, atherosclerosis of the lower limbs, diabetic angiopathy, functional heart diseases and vegetative neuroses.
Bathing in a mud suspension facilitates the absorption of exudates occurring in various disease states, has an analgesic effect and improves blood circulation. The effect is stimulation of blood circulation, acceleration of pulse and breathing, reddening of the skin, temporary drop in blood pressure, acceleration of metabolic processes and anti-inflammatory effects of the peat components.
Indications: locomotor disorders and post-traumatic conditions, osteoarthritis of the spine and joints, rheumatoid diseases, periarticular inflammations and neuralgia.
Mud wraps, also known as mud treatments, are a therapy that utilises the health benefits of mud, a type of mud composed mainly of organic substances of plant origin. Mud-killing treatments involve covering the patient's body with warm peat ooze, then wrapping them in foil or blankets to keep them warm. Mud has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and detoxifying properties. Mud wraps can be used to treat ailments such as muscle and joint pain, inflammation or skin problems.
Brine styles are a type of therapy used to treat musculoskeletal and skin disorders. They rely on sulphide baths which have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regenerative properties. Their use can bring relief to patients with rheumatic, inflammatory and skin ailments, supporting the regenerative processes of the organism. The treatment consists in immersing the upper and lower limbs in sulphide water without the need to enter the bathtub. The effect of sulphide water during the application of sulphide facials is the same as during bathing. Used in the case of contraindications to taking a bath.
Bathing in a brine from Zabłocie with the strongest iodine content in the world. It is rich in ions: calcium, magnesium, bromine, boron, silicon, selenium and many other bioelements. During a bath, the organism is cleansed of toxins and metabolic products such as urea, uric acid, lactic acid, creatinine and ions dissolved in the salt are absorbed: iodine, bromine, calcium, magnesium, silicon, selenium, etc. Brine form Zabłocie is used as an addition to relaxing, rejuvenating and slimming baths. Chloride and sodium ions contribute to the reduction of pain and general excitability.
A combination of sulphide and brine baths.
A sulphoborax bath is a therapy that makes use of the therapeutic properties of sulphoborax which consists mainly of mud and natural sulphides. This type of bath is designed to bring relief to people suffering from rheumatic, inflammatory and skin conditions through its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and detoxifying effects. The use of sulphoborax baths can support the body's regenerative processes, bringing relief and improving overall well-being.
Humic water baths combine the advantages of bathing in therapeutic water with the benefits of suspension - mud baths. The humic acids contained in the water prepared for the bath in an amount of approximately 200 mg/l are 100% in the form dissolved in water and thus have a much greater bioavailability and ability to affect the patient's skin. Main indications for humic water baths: rheumatic diseases, skin problems, muscle and joint ailments, stress and fatigue, detoxification of the body.
Pools with hydro massage are designed not only to relax, but also to improve blood circulation, reduce muscle tension, relieve pain and stimulate the senses. Thanks to the different modes, the user can adapt the massage to their individual preferences and needs. These pools are popular for both recreational and therapeutic purposes.
Cosmetic baths in the tub are a therapeutic treatment that uses a variety of cosmetic ingredients, such as essential oils, mineral salts, flowers or herbs to improve the skin and relax. The process involves adding appropriate ingredients to warm bath water, creating a relaxing bath to moisturise, nourish and regenerate the skin. Cosmetic baths can have a variety of effects, depending on the ingredients used, including relieving skin irritation, reducing stress, improving blood circulation and overall wellbeing. Thanks to their nourishing and relaxing properties, cosmetic baths in the tub are a popular practice in home skincare rituals and in spa salons.
The bath nourishes, smooths and firms the skin of the entire body, giving it an illuminating glow and extraordinary softness. To make the atmosphere of the bath match the realities of antiquity, enjoy the taste of malibu with milk.
The therapy is suitable for people of all ages: stressed, slimming, fighting cellulite, for women and men. It is an extraordinary care with a purifying and smoothing effect on the skin. To enhance the nourishing effect, you can enjoy a bunch of grapes.
Specially designed water jets in the bath generate pulsating jets of water that massage the body. This type of massage aims to relax muscles, reduce tension, improve blood circulation and relieve pain.
A therapeutic treatment that uses the beneficial properties of seaweed in combination with an in-water massage in a specially designed tub. The process involves immersing the patient's body in warm water to which seaweed extracts are added, followed by a body massage using special water jets. This treatment aims to relax the muscles, improve blood circulation and nourish and regenerate the skin through the rich nutrients contained in the marine algae.
Treningi mający na celu poprawę ogólnej wydolności fizycznej, siły mięśniowej, elastyczności oraz koordynacji, jednocześnie minimalizując obciążenie stawów. Gimnastyka w wodzie jest szczególnie polecana dla osób z dolegliwościami układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego, ponieważ woda redukuje nacisk na stawy i zmniejsza ryzyko kontuzji, jednocześnie zapewniając efektywne ćwiczenia aerobowe. Dzięki temu treningi w wodzie mogą przyczynić się do poprawy ogólnej sprawności fizycznej.
The basis of rehabilitation in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Physical activity under the care of physical rehabilitation specialists allows you to improve the organs and also has a positive effect on the shaping of joint surfaces and can improve the elasticity and elasticity of joint capsules and ligaments. Kinesiotherapy can help improve your overall physical condition.
Group kinesiotherapy is a form of exercise therapy in which physical and rehabilitation exercises are performed in a group under the supervision of a qualified therapist or instructor. The goal of this type of therapy is to improve participants' overall physical fitness, muscle strength, endurance and flexibility. Group kinesiotherapy can be used for various musculoskeletal, rheumatic, orthopedic and neurological diseases, as well as for health prevention. Through group exercises, patients can also benefit from social and motivational aspects which can contribute to increased engagement and improved therapeutic outcomes.
Group kinesiotherapy in a pool, also called aquatic rehabilitation, is a form of exercise therapy in which physical and rehabilitation exercises are performed in a group under the supervision of a qualified therapist, and the activity itself takes place in water. Thanks to the use of water, patients experience a reduction in joint load, which improves the range of motion, muscle strength and overall physical fitness. Group kinesiotherapy in a pool is used in the treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal and neurological systems and in rehabilitation after injuries, while providing an effective and safe form of therapy.
Fitness kinesitherapy is a specialized form of exercise therapy that combines elements of rehabilitation with fitness training techniques. The goal of this approach is to improve body functionality, muscle strength, endurance and the patient's overall physical condition. Fitness kinesitherapy is focused on adapting a training to individual needs and capabilities of the patient, taking into account any limitations or health conditions. By combining exercise therapy with elements of fitness training, patients can reap both health and aesthetic benefits, improving their figure and well-being.
One of the most effective methods of treating pain in the spine, joints of the limbs, face, head, degenerative changes and post-traumatic conditions. It involves, among other things, local massaging of the tissue, equalizing deformations of the fascia or pressing the torn structures into the correct anatomical location.
The ultrasound machine is used to precisely visualize soft tissues. The therapist can better monitor the progress of therapy and adapt manual techniques to the patient's specific needs. By combining manual therapy with ultrasound control, it is possible to effectively treat injuries, musculoskeletal disorders and other ailments of the musculoskeletal system.
Non-injection GUNAPHORESIS collagen therapy using magnetic resonance imaging is recommended for people observing signs of aging on their skin, as well as struggling with visible scars, loss of skin firmness or local excess of fatty tissue.
Contraindications to the procedure:
The device produces an extremely low-frequency magnetic field which has no contraindications for the patient and the operator. Although the field is limited only to the area of application, magnetophoresis treatments are not indicated for:
pregnant women
patients with a pacemaker
patients with very old type of dental implants, made of magnetic iron (removable dentures containing metal elements should be removed from the oral cavity before facial skin treatment).
Non-injection GUNAPHORESIS collagen therapy using magnetic resonance imaging is recommended for people observing signs of aging on their skin, as well as struggling with visible scars, loss of skin firmness or local excess of fatty tissue.
Contraindications to the procedure:
The device produces an extremely low-frequency magnetic field which has no contraindications for the patient and the operator. Although the field is limited only to the area of application, magnetophoresis treatments are not indicated for:
You can read more about GUNAPHORESIS collagen therapy in the collagen therapy tab: Collagen therapy
Beziniekcyjna terapia kolagenowa GUNAFOREZA z wykorzystaniem rezonansu magnetoforetycznego polecana jest osobom zmagającym się z bólami mięśni i stawów różnego pochodzenia. Może być uzupełnieniem fizjoterapii, fizykoterapii lub kąpieli siarkowych.
Zabieg można wykonać na takich obszarach jak:
stymulacja organizmu do produkcji własnych włókien kolagenowych
regeneracja chrząstki stawowej, ścięgien, więzadeł, mięśni
przyspieszenie gojenia się ran
Dla większej skuteczności i uzyskania długotrwałych efektów zaleca się wykonanie serii kilku zabiegów.
Przeciwwskazania do zabiegu:
Polarized light technology which is used in light therapy to stimulate regenerative processes and accelerate tissue healing. It is used to treat soft tissue injuries and pain therapy.
Viofor is a therapeutic method based on the use of a magnetic field to stimulate regenerative processes in the body. It is used to treat injuries, degenerative diseases and pain.
Dry carbonic acid bath is a treatment that uses dry carbon dioxide to stimulate the circulatory system, accelerate metabolism and improve the body's ability to heal itself.
This is a therapeutic method that uses a device that generates variable frequency currents. This therapy is used to reduce pain, improve blood circulation and tissue regeneration.
System terapeutyczny, który wykorzystuje falę ultradźwiękową do stymulacji tkanek i poprawy metabolizmu. Stosowany jest w leczeniu urazów mięśniowo-szkieletowych oraz dolegliwości związanych z przeciążeniem.v
A therapeutic method that uses direct current to introduce medicinal substances deep into the tissues. It is used to treat inflammation, swelling and pain.
It uses laser light to stimulate regenerative processes in tissues. It is used in the treatment of sports injuries, pain, and to reduce inflammation.
It uses ultrasound waves to reduce inflammation, reduce pain and improve blood circulation. It is used in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries.
A therapeutic method based on the use of a magnetic field to stimulate regenerative processes and improve blood circulation in tissues. It is used to treat injuries, inflammation and pain.
A therapeutic technique involving the use of direct current to reduce pain, improve blood circulation and reduce swelling. They are used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal disorders.
A therapeutic method that uses variable frequency current to reduce pain, improve blood circulation and stimulate regenerative processes in tissues. They are used to treat injuries and pain.
A therapeutic method based on the use of current of a specific frequency to stimulate muscles, improve tissue elasticity and reduce muscle tension. They are used to treat musculoskeletal injuries and disorders.
A therapeutic technique that uses variable frequency currents to stimulate muscles, improve blood circulation and reduce pain. They are used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system and pain.
A therapeutic technique that uses microwave waves to stimulate deep tissues and improve blood circulation. It is used to treat pain, inflammation and soft tissue injuries.
A therapeutic method based on the use of electric currents to stimulate muscles, improve tissue elasticity and reduce pain. They are used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal disorders.
A therapeutic technique that uses acoustic energy to stimulate regenerative processes in tissues. It is used to treat soft tissue injuries, tendonitis and pain associated with overload.
A therapeutic technique that uses laser light to stimulate acupuncture points and improve blood circulation. It is used to treat pain, inflammation and ailments related to muscle tension.
Highly inductive, deep penetrating and pulsed electromagnetic stimulator. The most common indications: spine disorders, acute/chronic lumbar pain (lumbago), sciatica (ischialgia), spondylosis (degenerative changes in the vertebrae), peripheral nerve damage, joint degeneration, rheumatoid arthritis, cervical pain.
Sirio deep cavitation stimulation is an innovative physiotherapy treatment that is used in the treatment and rehabilitation of many diseases, including: orthopedic. The Sirio rehabilitation device emits acoustic waves with a frequency of 38 kHz, combining thermal effects with the properties of the cavitation phenomenon. Just a dozen or so minutes of treatment has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system, improving circulation and accelerating the removal of harmful metabolic products from the body.
Urządzenie terapeutyczne emitujące światło podczerwone, które jest wykorzystywane w celach terapeutycznych i rehabilitacyjnych. Światło emitowane przez lampę Sunlamp przenika głęboko do tkanek, co przyczynia się do stymulacji procesów regeneracyjnych, poprawy krążenia krwi oraz redukcji bólu. Lampa Sunlamp jest często stosowana w terapii światłem w leczeniu dolegliwości mięśniowo-szkieletowych, takich jak bóle pleców, sztywność stawów, a także w przypadku różnorodnych schorzeń zapalnych.
One of the most popular methods of manual therapy which involves performing various massage techniques, such as stroking, rubbing, kneading or tapping. This treatment aims to reduce muscle tension, improve blood circulation, relieve pain and generally relax the body and mind.
A therapeutic technique that uses special cups made of various materials, such as glass or plastic. These cups are placed on the patient's skin after creating a negative pressure, which stimulates blood circulation, reduces muscle tension and reduces inflammation. This massage is particularly effective in the treatment of pain, inflammation and circulation problems.
A special massage refers to a wide spectrum of massage techniques that are used for therapeutic purposes depending on the individual needs of the patient. It may include deep pressure techniques, joint manipulation, muscle stretching and other techniques tailored to specific ailments and therapeutic goals. Special massage is used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal disorders, sports injuries and overuse ailments.
A non-invasive therapeutic technique that uses mechanical massage and vacuum to stimulate lymphatic and blood circulation. This treatment aims to reduce cellulite, improve skin firmness and reduce the symptoms of lymphedema. Endermology is used for cosmetic, rehabilitation purposes and in the treatment of ailments related to the lymphatic system.
A therapeutic method that uses mechanical vibrations to stimulate soft tissues and improve blood circulation. This treatment can be performed using special devices or massagers that generate vibrations of the appropriate frequency and intensity. Vibration massage is used to treat muscle tension, fatigue and pain associated with overload.
It is a regenerating dry mechanical massage of the entire body on a waterbed. It causes beneficial changes in the metabolism of muscle cells, giving a feeling of comfort and relaxation.
A therapeutic technique that uses special air cuffs to apply pressure to the limbs to stimulate the lymphatic system and improve lymphatic drainage. This treatment is effective in reducing lymphedema, improving lymphatic circulation and in the treatment of inflammation.
A therapeutic technique that uses the massage of reflex points on feet to stimulate various parts of the body and organs to improve health and well-being. This massage is based on the assumption that points on the feet correspond to different parts of the body and stimulation of these points can provide relief from ailments and improve the overall health and balance of the body. Foot reflexology is used for relaxation, therapeutic purposes and to reduce pain.
An advanced therapeutic technique that uses extremely low temperatures, down to -110 degrees Celsius, to stimulate regenerative processes and improve health and well-being. This treatment helps reduce inflammation, relieve pain, improve blood circulation and strengthen the immune system. Cryosauna is used to treat various musculoskeletal disorders, rheumatic ailments and for cosmetic purposes.
A therapeutic technique that involves applying cold to specific areas of the body to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. This treatment can be performed using special applicators, compresses or an ice bath which contributes to the local application of cold therapy in specific areas of the body.
Saunas are popular therapeutic and relaxation methods that use heat to stimulate regenerative processes, improve blood circulation and reduce muscle tension. A steam sauna uses water vapor to heat the body which helps open the pores of the skin and provide deeper cleansing. The herbal sauna, in turn, additionally uses aromatic herbs that bring additional health and relaxation benefits. However, the Finnish sauna is characterized by dry heat which contributes to faster sweating and stimulation of blood circulation.Saunas are popular therapeutic and relaxation methods that use heat to stimulate regenerative processes, improve blood circulation and reduce muscle tension. A steam sauna uses water vapor to heat the body which helps open the pores of the skin and provide deeper cleansing. The herbal sauna, in turn, additionally uses aromatic herbs that bring additional health and relaxation benefits. However, the Finnish sauna is characterized by dry heat which contributes to faster sweating and stimulation of blood circulation.
Klasyczny masaż tajski jest połączniem elementów jogi pasywnej, technik akupresury, medytacji oraz rozciągania. Jest typem tzw. głębokiego masażu, który polega na mocnym uciskaniu konkretnych miejsc na całym ciele. Zabieg rozpoczyna się od dolnych partii, czyli stóp, kierując się ku górnym partiom ciała. Wykonywany jest nie tylko samymi rękoma, ale też kciukami, nadgarstkami, łokciami, przedramionami, a nawet stopami i kolanami masażysty. Techniki stosowane podczas masażu tajskiego mają na celu uwolnienie z ciała napięcia i umożliwienie energii łatwiejszego przez nie przepływu. Może być doskonałym uzupełnieniem leczenia częstych bóli głowy, kręgosłupa oraz mięśni. Pomaga on również w dolegliwościach związanych z zaburzeniami krążenia, problemach z przemianą materii oraz przy przewlekłym stresie. Dodatkowo wzmacnia odporność organizmu jak również wspomaga rekonwalescencję po chorobach i urazach.
Relaxing massage with aromatic oils is a combination of traditional Thai massage and aromatherapy. Using oriental massage techniques, its effects have been enhanced with the use of precious oils that stimulate the senses and firm and nourish the skin, improving its overall condition, making it silky soft and smooth. A relaxing and revitalizing massage using aromatic oils, such as lotus flower or mocha, restores energy balance, harmony of body and mind and introduces a state of deep relaxation and soothing. Performed with calm and rhythmic movements, the massage reduces stress and has a wonderful effect on the nervous system. Additionally, it helps regenerate a tired body, strengthens the immune system and increases efficiency and vitality.
Thai sports and therapeutic massages are characterized by strength and dynamics, which not only relax the entire body, but also eliminate pain and contractures. Using special techniques, the masseur relaxes tense, stiff muscles and tendons and frees the body from pain. These treatments help in the treatment of many diseases and ailments. They are recommended during rehabilitation and convalescence after a long-term illness or accident. They fight fatigue, reduce the likelihood of injury and allow you to regain strength much faster. The treatments are recommended primarily to people who practice sports professionally, suffer from joint and muscle pain, struggle with pinpoint nerve pain, are weakened, have a noticeable drop in energy and work intensively.
This massage is dedicated to all those who want to take care of their appearance and body, restoring its firmness and smoothness. Massage involves the use of special techniques - intensive massaging, kneading and tapping. Thanks to this, it supports the weight loss process and reduction of fat tissue by stimulating the local metabolism of the body. Blood flow is increased, which contributes to accelerated metabolism and detoxification of the body from toxins. Additionally, masseuses use special creams that are intended to remove cellulite, shape the body and smooth the skin. To see clear effects, we recommend a series of 10 massages, min. 2 times a week. The massage focuses on those parts of the body that require slimming and firming of the skin. At the same time, other parts of the body are massaged to maintain the balance of the entire body, which allows the massage recipient to relax and feel more relaxed.
Thai upper body massage is especially intended for people with pain in various parts of the spine, neck, neck or head. It is a combination of techniques used in Thai massage - based on pressure and stretching techniques. The massage using unique massage techniques reduces chronic pain, contractures and muscle tension. Its action on the energy line along the upper arms relieves headaches and stimulates blood circulation also to strengthen hair follicles, preventing baldness. The head is the most important energy zone in the human body, associated with all internal organs. Head and neck massages are recommended not only in case of pain. They relax tense muscle groups, which improves your overall well-being. It is perfect relaxation and relief for people who are stressed, overworked, lead a sedentary lifestyle or spend a lot of time in one position.
Reflexology is the art of healing by stimulating the reflexes located on feet. It is also a form of therapy and relaxation treatment in which all human spheres are treated as one whole in order to influence both the body, soul and mind. It stimulates as many as 7,000 nerve endings, 24 bones and over 100 muscles. It brings relief to tired feet and an overwhelming feeling of relaxation for the entire body. By affecting the reflexological zones of feet, the massage helps detoxify the body from toxins, improves sleep and removes the feeling of ‘heavy legs’. It also affects digestive processes, the hormonal system, lymphatic glands and the central nervous system. The massage covers body parts such as: soles, back of the foot, toes, ankles, calves and around the knees. Appropriately pressed parts cause it to affect the entire body.
A 4-hand massage is performed synchronously by two masseuses. It is considered as one of the most difficult techniques because it requires concentration and cooperation skills. It is a form of physical impact on a human body using specially selected manual techniques derived from both classical massage and Eastern rituals. It combines relaxing and energizing properties. Pleasant relaxation is accompanied by a feeling of regeneration of mental and physical strength. The massage improves blood and lymph circulation and accelerates metabolism. It eliminates various pains and tensions in our body. Synchronized movements provide doubly strong, unforgettable impressions and sensations and make us feel happier.
A face lift is often referred to as a non-surgical facelift. It is a manual massage, a very intense treatment that affects the deep structures of the skin. Thanks to this treatment, the skin becomes stronger, smoother and firmer and all because we work deeper and can nourish the skin even more intensively thanks to the active ingredients contained in the cosmetics used for the massage. It is a ritual combining three lifting massage techniques: Kobido facial massage, Yakov Gershkovich's innovative Sculpture Face Lifting method and traditional Thai facial massage. Our outstanding masseurs have created their own unique program that combines the most effective methods of face lifting with a massage.
Balinese massage is one of the most relaxing and stress-relieving oriental massages. A very intense and deep holistic ritual that allows you to feel the harmony of body and soul. It is a combination of acupressure, aromatherapy, reflexology and Ayurveda. During the session, the masseur rubs the muscles, kneads them, stretches them but also taps and strokes the body. During a Balinese massage, deep muscle groups are massaged which stimulates them to work. While performing the work, the masseur moves from bottom to top, towards the lymph nodes. Intense touch accompanied by relaxing music and the aroma of oils is a perfect way to relax.
Lomi Lomi massage is a deeply relaxing and stress-relieving ritual. It combines the healing power of touch, oils, music and heat to restore the full potential of life forces. A characteristic technique of this massage is massaging with the forearms - this movement is very smooth and harmonious. Lomi Lomi massage has many health and beauty benefits. First of all, it perfectly calms down, relaxes, releases inner strength, stabilizes energy balance and makes a person open to himself and others, and begins to think and act positively. Lomi Lomi massage improves circulation and lymph flow, makes the body more flexible, especially stagnant joints, accelerates metabolism and the process of burning fat tissue.
The massage is performed using aloe which has been used for centuries as a medicinal plant, rich in vitamin C, E and B vitamins. When applied to the skin, it has strong moisturizing, regenerating, anti-itching and soothing properties. Aloe extract increases the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Additionally, it stimulates microcirculation, reduces lymphedema and improves firming. After the treatment, the skin is properly moisturized, silky smooth and elastic.
Massage with warm Ayurvedic herbal and floral stamps is a comprehensive therapy that has both relaxing and healing effects. The basis of this massage is heating special stamps made of cotton which are filled with a mixture of dried herbs: mint, ginger, cinnamon, lemongrass, eucalyptus, lime, lavender and sage. Due to the use of medicinal herbs, it is especially recommended in the case of chronic inflammation, decreased body immunity, muscle and rheumatic pain. The herbal stamp massage technique induces deep relaxation, relieves stress and fatigue, and improves emotional and physical well-being. The intense scent and heat from the stamp make the body and mind fully relaxed.
Masaż ciepłymi ajurwedyjskimi stemplami ziołowo-kwiatowymi to kompleksowa terapia, która działa zarówno relaksacyjnie jak i leczniczo. Podstawą tego masażu jest podgrzanie specjalnych stempli, wykonanych z bawełny, które są wypełnione mieszanką suszonych ziół: miętą, imbirem, cynamonem, trawą cytrynową, eukaliptusem, limonką, lawendą oraz szałwią. Z racji wykorzystania leczniczych ziół jest szczególnie polecany w przypadku przewlekłych stanów zapalnych, spadku odporności organizmu, bólów mięśniowych i reumatycznych. Technika masażu stemplami ziołowymi wywołuje głęboki relaks, łagodzi stres i zmęczenie, poprawia samopoczucie emocjonalne i fizyczne. Intensywnie wydzielający się zapach oraz ciepło ze stempla sprawia, że ciało i umysł są w pełni zrelaksowane.
Candle massage soothes the senses and body. The scents floating in the office, coming from essential oils heated by a candle flame, immediately relax you. Nourishing, warm, natural wax and the touch of the masseur deepen the relaxation effect. The massage relieves tense muscles and allows you to relax completely. This is a safe treatment for anyone who feels overwhelmed by everyday life. Candle oil leaves the skin wonderfully moisturized, silky smooth and soft. Thanks to its relaxing warmth, unique consistency and overpowering aroma, the massage stimulates the senses and guarantees a unique experience. Additionally, it firms the skin and helps fight cellulite and stretch marks.
This unique massage combines the soothing properties of a relaxing massage and the beneficial effects of Shea butter. Shea butter massage leaves the skin silky smooth and beautifully scented. Provides a full range of vitamins and nutrients needed to make the skin moisturized, softer and healthier. The attractive scent stays on the skin for a long time. Butter, in addition to its excellent care properties (saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E and F and vitamin A provitamin), enhances the effect of the massage by relaxing the muscles. The warmth and soothing massage technique enable relaxation and complete relaxation.
Four-hand Thai massage is performed synchronously by two masseuses. It is considered one of the most difficult techniques because it requires concentration and cooperation skills. It is a form of physical impact on the human body using specially selected manual techniques derived from both classical massage and Eastern rituals. It combines relaxing and energizing properties. Pleasant relaxation is accompanied by a feeling of regeneration of mental and physical strength. The massage improves blood and lymph circulation and accelerates metabolism. It eliminates various pains and tensions in our body. Synchronized movements provide doubly strong, unforgettable impressions and sensations and make us feel happier.
A specially prepared room made of natural salt and iodine crystals that emit microscopic particles, creating a microclimate beneficial to health. This treatment aims to improve the functioning of the respiratory system, reduce allergic symptoms, cleanse the respiratory tract and generally strengthen the body's immunity. The therapy in the salt and iodine cave is particularly effective in the treatment of diseases related to the respiratory system and in the case of allergic problems.
A therapeutic treatment consisting of inhaling steam with the addition of substances such as mineral salts, essential oils or herbs in order to reduce inflammation, cleanse the respiratory tract and improve the functioning of the respiratory system.
A treatment that uses natural ingredients rich in sulfur, minerals and trace elements to cleanse, nourish and regenerate the skin. This treatment is intended to reduce inflammation, improve skin elasticity, remove toxins and support regenerative processes. The biosulfide mask is particularly effective in treating a variety of skin problems and toxin-related ailments.
A treatment aimed at cleansing the body of toxins and harmful substances, improving the functioning of the digestive system and strengthening the immune system.
A treatment using a specially selected mixture of natural clays, rich in minerals, to be applied to the skin to cleanse, nourish and regenerate. This treatment is intended to reduce inflammation, soothe skin irritations, improve skin texture and remove impurities. The use of cosmetic clays is particularly effective in the treatment of skin problems and ailments related to excessive sebum secretion.
This treatment involves covering the body with warm mud rich in minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium, which have known cleansing and nourishing properties for the skin. This mud helps moisturize and make the skin elastic. This treatment is also known for its relaxing properties and may also provide relief from skin ailments such as psoriasis or eczema.
Health, attractive appearance and maintaining good body condition are constantly present challenges on the way to improving the quality of life. During medical training, the physiotherapist focuses on the most weakened areas of the body, helping the patient adjust the exercise program. During training, he/she uses various techniques and work tools (including therapeutic exercises, stretching, strength training, balance training, manual therapy) depending on the individual needs of guests. Medical training prevents injuries by focusing on the development of key motor skills such as mobility and stability. The main benefits of medical training are: correction of incorrect movement patterns, improvement of the range of motion in joints, restoring proper muscle tone, strengthening muscle strength and coordination, improving deep sensation and body awareness, increasing mobility, developing stability, preventing injuries.
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