Baza wiedzy

The strongest sulphur water - water of life

Sulfur baths are one of the most commonly used balneological treatments. Their effectiveness is based on the beneficial effects of sulfides on health, together with the released hydrogen sulfide. The Malinowy Zdrój Hotel offers baths in the world's strongest sulfur water from the "Malina" spring. According to the classification, it is a strongly mineralized chloride-sodium water (brine) sulfur, bromide, iodide, boron with the highest content of active sulfur compounds in the world.


Sulfide bath Salt sulphide-hydrogen sulphide baths are a recognized balneological treatment used in chronic skin diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system of various origins and mild disorders of the circulatory system.

Medical training

2 in 1 - Rehabilitation + Training = Medical Training Health, an attractive appearance and keeping the body fit are ever-present challenges along the path to improving quality of life. Medical training is a new and highly effective way to achieve these goals! During it the physiotherapist focuses on the most weakened areas of the body, helping the patient to tailor an exercise programme. During the training, he or she uses various techniques and working tools (including therapeutic exercises, stretching, strength training, balance training, manual therapy) depending on individual needs of the guests. Medical training prevents injury by focusing on the development of key motor skills such as mobility and stability.

Atopic Dermatitis - What is it, Symptoms, Treatment

Atopic dermatitis is a disease characterized by a chronic, recurrent and inflammatory condition of the skin. AD is considered a disease of civilization, it is estimated that currently about 1/3 of the population suffers from it.

Atopic Dermatitis - Treatment Methods

Treatment and care of atopic dermatitis is extremely demanding and complex. Patient discipline is crucial, because a significant number of patients do not follow medical recommendations. First of all, contact with allergens causing skin lesions should be limited, but this is not easy, due to their common occurrence. Patients have access to pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment.

Antiviral effects of hydrogen sulphide

Antiviral Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide - Full Article


Dr. n. med. Marek Grabski Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Medical College, Institute of Physiotherapy Malinowe Hotele Rehabilitation Center

#sulfur bath #manual therapy #mud bath

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