Salt sulphide-hydrogen sulphide baths are a recognized balneological treatment used in chronic skin diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system of various origins and mild disorders of the circulatory system.
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Bathing in a bathtub in a solution of sulphide-hydrogen sulphide salt water. Bath temperature 34-37 C, duration 15 minutes, frequency every day or every other day. Salt sulphide-hydrogen sulphide baths are a recognized balneological treatment used in chronic skin diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system of various origins and mild disorders of the circulatory system. The impact of bathing on the body begins from the moment of skin contact with water by gently exfoliating the epidermis and then stimulating renewal processes. This action is supported by the bactericidal and fungicidal properties of sulphide water. The local effect also includes stimulation of microcirculation, better blood supply and skin metabolism. Sulfur penetrates the skin and is absorbed into the bloodstream in a form of hydrogen sulfide, colloidal and sodium thiosulfate according to the concentration gradient and by active transport. After penetrating the skin layers, hydrogen sulfide forms polysulfides, which are a physiological component of connective tissue and a substrate for the synthesis of chondroitin-sulfuric acid (a component of joint cartilage) and amino acids (cystine and methionine). Sulfide baths also have anti-inflammatory effects by participating in the body's antioxidant defense processes. Inflammatory processes disturb the balance of oxidation-reduction processes with the predominance of overproduction of free radicals, which are responsible for a number of damaging and degenerative processes. Dissociated hydrogen sulfide absorbed from the sulphide baths acts as a neutralizer of free oxygen radicals or reactive oxygen species. The strength of the impact of this treatment depends on the concentration of active compounds in the bathing water and the of the absorption surface, i.e. the body surface. It is estimated that 10% of the sulfur contained in salt water is absorbed. The higher the concentration of the solution, the greater the absorption of medicinal compounds. The use of medicinal water sources containing high concentrations of active sulfur compounds in treatment may provide better treatment effects.
The chemical effect of carbonic acid baths is related to the penetration of carbon dioxide dissolved in the bathing water through the skin. During bathing, a visible erythema appears on the skin, caused by the dilation of capillaries and arterioles. This shifts blood from central parts of the body to the periphery. By reducing peripheral resistance, the heart works more economically, coronary flow increases and diuresis intensifies.
Who for?
A carbonic acid bath is used for hypertension in the first and second stages, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower limbs, diabetic angiopathy, functional heart diseases and vegetative neuroses.
The chemical effect of peat is used, containing humic and humic acids, fulvo acids, estrogen bodies, proteins, tannins. The treatment is carried out with the thermal effect limited to 37º C. The effect of peat on the secretion of hormones, mainly adrenal, pituitary and ovarian ones, is confirmed.
Who for?
The effect of the bath is analgesic and antispasmodic, cleansing the body of metabolic by-products. Baths are used in the treatment of osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, post-traumatic conditions, gynecological and urinary system diseases.
The combination of gentle heat with the chemical action of mud is used in degenerative diseases of the joints and spine, post-traumatic conditions, contractures and neuralgia.
The effect of mud on the body
The brine from Zabłocie has been extracted for nearly 130 years from deep deposits of iodine-bromine medicinal waters. It is a natural raw material with proven medicinal properties intended for health and beauty care. According to balneological criteria, the brine from Zabłocie is classified as 4.4% chloride-sodium, iodine water (brine). It contains valuable and natural iodine, the deficiency of which in a body causes many ailments. It is rich in ions: calcium, magnesium, bromine, potassium, strontium and many other bioelements.
Chemical composition of the Zabłocie brine
Bathing in brine from Zabłocie with the highest iodine content in the world. It is rich in ions: calcium, magnesium, bromine, boron, silicon, selenium and many other bioelements. During bathing, the body is cleansed of toxins and metabolic products, including urea, uric acid, lactic acid, creatinine and ions dissolved from salt are absorbed: iodine, bromine, calcium, magnesium, silicon, selenium, etc.
The effect of a brine bath on the body
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Effects of a salt bath
Effects of a salt bath
Brine Treatment:
The treatment involves immersing the upper and lower limbs in sulfur water without the need to enter the bathtub. The effect of sulphide water when using sulphide styles is the same as when bathing in a bathtub. Used in case of contraindications to bathing in the bathtub.