Metody terapii

Orthopedic medicine according to Cyriax

Through an interview and clinical examination proposed in the method, we obtain complete information about the examined patient. Symptoms and signs are interpreted and cataloged in a form of ‘clinical patterns’ (i.e., specific behaviors of disorders or groups of disorders). For many disorders, the method offers local, direct, efficient and economically beneficial treatment. Differentiation can be performed by a detailed interview and functional examination. Thinking clinically in accordance with the principles of orthopedic medicine according to Cyriax, we have excellent possibilities for differential diagnosis.

The exact location of irritated structures can be determined either by the presence of localizing signs or by palpation.


  • inflammation of tendons,
  • bursae degenerative changes,
  • free articular bodies arthritis (rheumatic, mechanical) spine pain instability,
  • spinal stenosis.

Manual therapy according to Ackermann

The possibilities offered by Dr. Ackermann's method are enormous. The method of diagnosis and therapy according to Ackermann's concept is currently one of the most effective and complementary methods of manual treatment. It is distinguished by quick and targeted diagnostics and the therapeutic procedure is precise and accurate. When performing the treatment, the therapist knows very precisely what he/she wants to achieve and why. There is no place for accidental procedures here. In practice, the therapy requires a broader look at the causes of ailments and their complexity.

The compensation initiated by a ‘blocked’ joint requires the therapist to take an appropriate action. Individual treatment techniques in this method are limited to exactly one segment, so only the vertebra that causes pain in the patient is ‘unblocked’.

Advantages of Dr. Ackermann's method:

  • quick assessment of displacements in the pelvis
  • immediate tests differentiating between functional and structural causes
  • effective and efficient correction techniques
  • possibility of using alternative techniques performing target treatments (in a specific place and direction)
  • 80% rule – predictable directions of displacements in specific segments of the spine
  • high effectiveness of the method in working with the patient

A well-performed treatment does not require much strength from the therapist.

FOI® or Functional Osteopathy and Integration

FOI®, i.e. Functional Osteopathy and Integration, is an independent method of therapy for the musculoskeletal system. It comes from the idea that all the joints of the body are interconnected. It is an independent therapeutic concept in the field of osteopathy and manual therapy. FOI® is a whole-body therapy through its holistic approach to the patient. It assumes that the human body as a whole reacts to a problem that arises in the musculoskeletal system. The human body is forced to compensate in some way for the resulting disorder. Practice shows that compensatory mechanisms are scattered throughout the body, always following a set pattern.

Advantages of FOI®:

  • quick and effective diagnosis
  • cause-and-effect relationships that are easy to recognize and treat
  • quick results and high effectiveness of the techniques used
  • a gentle and safe way of carrying out treatments
  • there are no contraindications for this type of therapy
  • ease of determining prognosis regarding the course of therapy
  • high effectiveness of the method in working with a patient
  • alternative techniques to manipulation
  • techniques also adapted for women (do not require much strength)

Brian Mulligan's method

Diagnostic and therapeutic concept of joint mobilization combined with movement. ‘NAG's’, ‘SNAG's’, ‘reverse NAG's’ and mobilizations combined with movement /so-called MWM's/. These are techniques that act directly on the joints and indirectly on the neuromuscular system. The innovative approach of his concept includes, among others: on a combination of passive movement performed by the therapist and active movement performed by the patient.

The advantage of Mulligan's concept is:

  • complete painlessness when using kinesiotherapy techniques
  • functional loading of articular surfaces with the force of gravity;
  • combining a passive movement, mobilizing in a plane of the articular surfaces with an active angular movement in the same joint applying pressure at the end of the painless range of motion;
  • performing an appropriate number of repetitions of the above-mentioned therapeutic procedure
  • ‘homework’ instruction for the patient, consisting in performing individually selected exercises
  • patient is not passively subjected to the therapy, but actively participates in it;

Medical Taping Concept

The basic principles of Medical Taping Concept come from Japan and Korea, where the concept of the entire method was created in the 1970s. This method involves applying a specialized and flexible patch to the body in a precisely defined manner. The applied patch is a source of only mechanical stimuli (it is not soaked with any drug) and depending on the type of patch, method and place of application, it has got various effects.


  • spine pain
  • knee pain (e.g. patellofemoral joint complaints, ‘jumper's knee’)
  • shoulder pain tendon sheath inflammation (e.g. around the wrist)
  • pain around the insertions (e.g. ‘tennis elbow’, ‘golfer's elbow’, ‘heel spur’)
  • condition after sprains and dislocations of joints, hallux valgus Achilles tendon problems
  • swelling, joint instability, muscle and ligament damage improved proprioception (better stabilization and coordination)
  • improving healing processes after injuries and surgeries (e.g. after reconstruction of the cruciate ligaments or stitching of the Achilles tendon)
  • increasing fitness and efficiency as well as reducing the risk of injury while practicing sports correction of posture defects (e.g. scoliosis)
  • scars, hematomas indications for lymphatic drainage - lymph circulation disorders, edema - occurring due to illness, after injuries or during pregnancy.